Retaining Project to previous stage in BCC

Retaining Project to previous stage in BCC

a.       If BCC instance is killed while deployment to staging is in progress, use the following queries to get project back to "Author" State.

-- remove asset locks on the project. if any
delete from avm_asset_lock where workspace_id =
(select id from avm_devline where name =
(select workspace from epub_project where project_id = '<Your Project ID>'));

-- change states. Locked to false a
nd editable to true
--   locked to 0 and editable to 1

update epub_project
set locked=0
where project_id = '<Your Project ID>';

update epub_project
set editable=1
where project_id = '<Your Project ID>';

-- change states. Locked to false and editable to true
--   locked to 0 and editable to 1
update avm_workspace
set locked=0
where ws_id =
(select id from avm_devline where name =
(select workspace from epub_project where project_id = '<Your Project ID>'));

update avm_workspace
set editable=1
where ws_id =
(select id from avm_devline where name =
(select workspace from epub_project where project_id = '<Your Project ID>'));

-- finally change state to author which is 3 for all workflows
update epub_ind_workflow
set state=3
where process_id =
(select process_id from epub_process where project='<Your Project ID>');

Clear the following Cache

If BCC instance is killed while deployment to Production is in progress, use the following queries to get project back to previous state, so that you can redeploy.

--If project with workflow editCommerceAssets.wdl
--stuck while deploying to production

update epub_ind_workflow
set state=11
where process_id =
(select process_id from epub_process where project = '<Your Project ID>');

-- For projects which are created by auto import workflow

-- If project with /Commerce/autoImportAssets.wdl workflow
-- stuck while production

update epub_ind_workflow
set state=10
where process_id =
(select process_id from epub_process where project = '<Your Project ID>');

Clear Cache of following


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