ATG BCC SnapShot Issue

SnapShot are maintained against the each deployment server. A Successful deployment is treated as Snapshot. Snapshot issue occurs during following scenarios.
1. Previous deployment wasn't successful
2. No installed snapshots found against server (DB Change).

Its rare scenario when Site is live. 

Screen of admin console looks during snapshot issue.

To resolve the Above Issue, try the following steps. Following case explains for Staging(Preview) server.

1. Query the following in Publishing Database.

select epub_target.display_name as "Target",
epub_prj_tg_snsht.snapshot_id as "Snapshot",
epub_project.display_name as "Project" from
epub_target, epub_project, epub_prj_tg_snsht
epub_prj_tg_snsht.project_id in
(select project_id from epub_project where
workspace is not null and
checked_in = '1'
) and
epub_target.target_id = epub_prj_tg_snsht.target_id and
epub_prj_tg_snsht.project_id = epub_project.project_id
order by epub_project.checkin_date desc;

2. Fetch the recent snapshot for the corresponding server(Staging or Production)

3.  Initialise the same in Deployment Server from dyn/admin of Publishing.

http://<publishing server IP address>:<Pub-port>/dyn/admin/nucleus/atg/epub/DeploymentServer/)

4. Similar steps, if the snapshot issue occurs for Production server.



  1. Thank you so much for your blogpost. I had a similar issue where in the project was deploying when the agent server went down. After bouncing the agent server, when the deployment was resumed, I no longer see the project in queue and also when I test the staging env. the content looked as if it got deployed but not in production server. Also please note that rest of the project after this one, all were deploying just fine in staging and in production. Do you think it is a snapshot issue ?

  2. No. Its not snapshot issue. Your project had been deployed to staging, once you resumed the deployment. Please push the project to Production and close it. You can find the projects under "Browse Projects" link from Operations of Homepage.

    Snapshot issue occurs when you kill the deployment in middle of deployment or rollback.
    Hope this helps.

  3. Or simply try selecting the latest snapshot [or highest number] from epub_prj_tg_snsht. Reduce the snapshot count by 1 and force it.

    For example: DC120005, DC120004, DC120003, DC120000
    Select: DC120005 [or highest] - 1 [subtract 1] = DC120004 [resulting snapshot]
    Force: DC120004

    That should work :)

  4. You have a solution of solving snapshot mismatch error. Can you please tell me why it come and why we maintain a snapshot id in database.

  5. snapshot id identifies which is the current deployment hapening from versioned system(BCC) to unversioned database (Production)
    agents identify karte hai which snapshot id is associated with each deployment,if you remove that deployment related exception will come and you need to do a critical reset followed by a full deployment

    1. what should i do if my current project has not created snapshot id ? I'm not able to do deploy that project / delete the project . and im not able to do the full deployment.

      Initially we have to do full deployment and create a project in BCC right? When i tried doing full deployment , it failed. Since im using a common shared DB and one of colluege has done the full deployment , i dont have to run in my machine and i can directly create a proj and deploy to production.
      so i created a CA project and did till "Verify Production Deployment " step . After that im not able to do action.

      Please help.

    2. There are couple of questions in your questions.

      1. To get initial deployment done, without harming any data: Remove the repository mapping and do full deployment. It will be false deployment and snapshot will be created.

      2. Verify Production not getting any action: Are you getting any actions? If not, use PublishingMessageSource to push further.


    3. Thanks Iranna ,
      1. How should i remove repository mapping for that proj??[ do i have to run some delete queries ??]
      2. Im not able to see any actions under "Actions" tab. (Action tab columns are empty for all the rows.). I dint see the message in server console while doing Verify Production.(i did this step 5 days ago.).

  6. In BCC , Under project history tab :
    Date: 9/23/2015 4:34 PM
    Action: system
    Deployment '1400001' to Target 'Production' terminated erroneously with the following message : cannot perform an incremental deployment on target 'Production'. Check for snapshot mismatch on agents and make sure the target is initialized...
    In BCC dyn / admin , ---> dyn/admin/nucleus/atg/epub/DeploymentServer/

    Deployment Target 'Production'

    Current installed agent snapshot : UNINITIALIZED
    Current effective snapshot : UNINITIALIZED
    Last deploy on : Mon Aug 31 12:06:59 IST 2015
    Switch deployable : true
    Current state : DONE_STOP
    Currently accessible : true
    Accepting deployments : false
    One-off : false
    Incrementally deployable : false

    Current Deployment

    Deployment ID : 1400001
    Deployed from (server) : XXXX-IN:8851
    Deployed by : admin
    Deployment began : begin() not called
    Deployment projects : prj24000
    Deployment to snapshot ID : null
    Deployment from snapshot ID : null
    Deployment type : INCREMENTAL
    Deployment mode : SWITCH
    Data transfer ID-0 : 1400001
    Last completed stage : 0
    Committed data : false
    Start live datastore : null
    Switched datastores : false
    Deployment First Pass : true
    Deployment Target Switched : false
    Current status : IDLE
    Status last changed : Mon Sep 28 17:31:25 IST 2015

    No pending deployments for this target. Deployment Agents
    Name Responsible Principal Switchable Installed Snapshot Status Deployment Originator Action
    ProdAgent true NONE true null DONE_STOP admin-XXX-IN:8851

    1. First post your error displayed in server console and then ask doubts

  7. Hi,
    I am facing an issue in BCC deployment. The deployment is hung at ActivatingSwitch and it never moves forward.

    Current installed agent snapshot : 102134
    Current effective snapshot : 102134
    Last deploy on : Thu Aug 17 01:51:41 CDT 2017
    Switch deployable : true
    Currently accessible : true
    Accepting deployments : false
    One-off : false
    Incrementally deployable : true

    1. Hi, did you get any solution for this?
      I am facing the same problem now

  8. It worked Perfect for me.Thank you

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  10. 0B72ELayne78DBA14 April 2024 at 01:14

