Showing posts with label Common Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Common Issues. Show all posts

Unable to Create project in BCC(createProjectForProcess Exception)

ATG BCC Exception Exception Details:   Logging Exception: /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager       Error executing action createProjectForProcess[] on process instance 81200003; deleting the process instance   CONTAINER:atg.process.ProcessException; SOURCE:atg.epub.project.InvalidStateException: Process status is in a state where a new project cannot be created. Why this error?  BCC...

ATG BCC Deployment "Preapre failed"

Prepare failed occurs during initial state of deployment. Prepare failed might be due to one of following reasons. 1. Live Data Source mismatch in Production. 2. Production RMI in non listening mode. This issues occurs only where deployment server is switchable. To solve the above problem, try following steps. 1. Move to Agents Tab and Click on "Switchable DataSources" 2. Make SwitchDataSource and ConfigFileSystem to Point to either...