Showing posts with label Repository. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Repository. Show all posts

Super Type and Sub Type in Repository

ATG Repository supports the inheritance of Objects through concepts of super-type and sub-type. Sub-type inherits all the properties of Super-type. Super-type can have multiple sub-types.Following example shows "Library content" can be either "Book" or "Video CD". "Library content" is Super-type and "Book" and "Video CD" are sub-types. Object Model <!-- Library content--><item-descriptor name="libraryContent" sub-type-property="type"> ...

Secured Repository

Secured Repositories The Oracle ATG Web Commerce secured repository system works in conjunction with the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Security System to provide fine-grained access control to repository item descriptors, individual repository items, and individual properties through Access Control List (ACL) settings.Features:•    Control access to repository item descriptors: Control who can create, add, remove, and query items defined by an item descriptor; similar to controlling access to a whole database table.•   ...

Versioning your Repository - Expert III

This part explains the versioning the DDL(SQL Scripts) used for creating the Tables. Follow the following steps to change DDL(SQL Scripts). Step 1: Remove the Foreign key references if any. Step 2: Add following 7 columns to Primary table of RDF.     asset_version         INTEGER NOT NULL,    workspace_id         varchar2(40) NOT NULL,    branch_id         varchar2(40) NOT NULL,    is_head    ...

Versioning your Repository - Expert II

Step 6: Override the AssetResolver component. Path: /atg/dynamo/service/AssetResolver additionalAssetSources+=\/my/Library_production,\/my/Address_production,\/my/Library_staging,\/my/Address_staging Above added components appear in the Destination Repositories list in the Admin Console deployment. Step 7: Override the VersionManagerService component. Path: /atg/epub/version/VersionManagerService versionedRepositories+=\     Address=/my/Address,\     Library=/my/Library Above component manages and controls the...

Versioning your Repository - Expert I

Versioning the Repository includes when you wants to manage the your repository items through BCC (Merchandising). Follow the series of steps to register your repository in BCC. Step 1: Place the RDF(Repository Defination File) in BCC Module. Step 2: Place the Component file in BCC Module with following Contents in it. Path: /my/ $class=atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositoryatg.adapter.version.VersionRepository $scope=global repositoryName=Library # database access- for Publishing Schema, use JTDataSource dataSource=/atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/SwitchingDataSourceJTDataSource transactionManager=/atg/dynamo/transaction/TransactionManager #...

DisplayNames, sorting and Grouping- InterMediate II

Display Names using the Resource Bundle (Localising the Labels). Define resource bundle using following attribute.     <attribute name="resourceBundle" value="resourceBundleName"/> ex: <attribute name="resourceBundle" value="my.Resource"/> Localising the values can be applied at Item-descriptor Property Labels that can be localised using resource bundle are display-name ( to display-name-resource) description ( to description-resource) category ( to category-resource) Item-descriptor <item-descriptor name="author"...

Initialising your Repository to ATG Module - InterMediate I

To initialise your repository to ATG Module(Assuming that your ATG Module requires DAS DPS DSS DCS, Step 1: Override the ContentRepositories component. /atg/registry/ContentRepositories Step 2: Add your custom repositories to ContentRepositories component. initialRepositories+=/my/Address,\                               /my/Library If your repository uses Switching Data Soruce, Repository component...

Using the StartSQLRepository - Beginners IV

StartSQLRepository can be used for following activites, Verifing the Data Defination XML is correctly formed and complies with the DTD. Generating the SQL Statements to create tables. Import the data into DB (Supports both versioned and non-versioned) and exporting the data. Points 1 and 2 are covered as part of scope. Point 3 will be covered in coming up topics. Steps for generating DDL using the  StartSQLRepository. 1.    Shut down all the nucleus instances running in machine.(JBOSS, JUNIT) 2.    Create...

Creating your own ATG Repository - Beginners- III

We will be covering the Multi Table, referencing other repositories and One to Many relation in between same repository. Must read Points: 1. Multi table is used to maintain one to Many relations between Items. 2. Multi table can hold Map, List or Set of items. 3. One item-descriptor can hold N number of Multi tables. Simple Table below explains concepts of Map, List and Set. Type\Conditions Data-type= multi-column-name= ...