Showing posts with label Customisations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customisations. Show all posts

Making ID property editable in BCC- OOTB Repository

Making ID property editable in BCC- OOTB Repository To make ID property editable in BCC, please follow below steps. We will make Category ID to be editable. Note: ID property is editable ONLY when item is being created first time using BCC. Step 1: Print itemMapping for Category Item in Dyn/admin.<print-item item-descriptor="itemMapping" id="AmImCat" /> ------ Printing item with id: AmImCat<add-item item-descriptor="itemMapping" id="AmImCat"> ...

Making ID property editable in BCC- Custom Repository

Making ID property editable in BCC- Custom Repository To make ID property editable in BCC, please follow below steps. Step 1: Create Attribute with value "true". <add-item item-descriptor="attributeValue" id="MYAvAddrsEditId"> <set-property name="value"><![CDATA[true]]></set-property></add-item> Step 2: Update the existing ItemMapping, else create new. <update-item item-descriptor="itemMapping" id="MYImAddress"> <set-property...

Creating a Multiple Tabs using view mappings

Creating a Multiple Tabs using view mappings To create Multiple Tabs using view mappings, please follow the below mentioned steps. Step 1: Create "Attribute" for resource bundle ( Not required, if your RDF doesn't contain Resource-Bundle & Need not create, if u have created while doing previous exercise) <add-item item-descriptor="attributeValue" id="MYAvRESBnd">   <set-property name="value"><![CDATA[/my/Resources]]></set-property> </add-item> Step...

Creating a simple view mapping in BCC

Creating a simple view mapping in BCC(With one tab on right panel of BCC) To create simple view mapping, please follow the below steps. Providing the add-items, as these can be executed in Dyn/admin, ViewMapping repository (/atg/web/viewmapping/ViewMappingRepository). Step 1: Create "Attribute" for resource bundle ( Not required, if your RDF doesn't contain Resource-Bundle) <add-item item-descriptor="attributeValue" id="MYAvRESBnd"> ...

Showing "Import" and "Export" options for Site-Admin UI

Showing "Import" and "Export" options for Site-Admin UI To enable the Import Button & Export Option in Site-Admin UI, please follow below mentioned steps.This can help you to import the xls and export the xls for Site-Assets. Step 1: Override the taskConfiguration file. Path: /config/atg/remote/multisite/assetmanager/taskConfiguration.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><!DOCTYPE task-configuration       ...