How to delete project from Front end of BCC

Deleting project from Front End of BCC

Note: This shall delete project along with project's associated process, assets, history.

To delete projects from front end of BCC, perform following steps.

1. Include the following jsp in custom BCC module's war.

File Name: delete-process.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="/dspTaglib" prefix="dsp" %>
<%@page import = "atg.epub.project.*" %>
<%@page import = "atg.dtm.*" %>
<%@page import = "atg.nucleus.*" %>
<%@page import = "javax.transaction.*" %>
<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<div style = "padding: 5px;">

<% boolean rollback = true;

TransactionManager tm=(TransactionManager)Nucleus.getGlobalNucleus().resolveName("/atg/dynamo/transaction/TransactionManager");
TransactionDemarcation td= new TransactionDemarcation();
        try {
            ProcessHome processHome = ((ProcessHome) ProjectConstants.getPersistentHomes().getProcessHome());
            String processId = request.getParameter("process_id");
            if (processId == null) {
            out.println("TRYING HYPNOSIS TO GUESS PROCESS ID..... FAILED. Try explicitly specifying a process_id request parameter. ");
            atg.epub.project.Process process =processHome.findById(processId);
            if (process == null) {
            out.println("wrong process_id parameter; not such process");
            Project project = process.getProject();
            if (project == null) {
            rollback = false;
            out.println("Process was found but there was no project associated with it. Process was deleted successfully.");
            out.println("Process with id " + processId + " was found and deleted successfully.");
            <br/> <input type = "button"
            onclick = "window.close()"
            value = "Cancel/Close"
            style = "font-size: 10px; background-color: #C3593C; color: white;"/> <% rollback = false;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        } finally {
        try {
        if (td != null) td.end(rollback);
        } catch (TransactionDemarcationException e) {

2. Identify the process id from DB using the following query.

select process_id from epub_process where display_name='name_of_project';

3. Hit the delete process URL, and pass the process id through request header.


ex: http://localhost:7005/mybcc/delete-process.jsp?process_id=prc162001

4. Following message confirms that the entire project is deleted.

Understang ATG Commerce Product Catalog

Catalog Elements

Catalogs- Catalog is a collection of repository items (categories, products, media, etc.) that provides the organizational framework for commerce site.
Properties of Catalog:
displayName: Name of catalog. It's required field.
rootCategories: Root categories of catalog.

Categories- Categories organize products into a hierarchy that provides a navigational framework for Websites. Categories can be parents to products or other categories.
Properties of Category:
displayName: Name of Category. It's required field.

childCategories: List of all categories that are children of this category.

childProducts: List of all products that are children of this category.

Products – A product is a navigational end-point in the catalog.
Properties of Product:
displayName: Name of Product. It's required field.
childSKUs: List of child SKUs of this product.

SKUs - A product is a navigational end-point in the catalog. However, customers do not actually purchase the product; they purchase a SKU (stock keeping unit). A product can have several different SKUs associated with it, representing varieties, sizes, and colors.
Properties of SKU:
displayName: Name of SKU. It's required field.

Example of Nested Categories                                               

Sample Catalog:

Block View of Catalog:

Unable to Create project in BCC(createProjectForProcess Exception)

ATG BCC Exception

Exception Details:

Logging Exception:

/atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager       Error executing action createProjectForProcess[] on process instance 81200003; deleting the process instance   CONTAINER:atg.process.ProcessException; SOURCE:atg.epub.project.InvalidStateException: Process status is in a state where a new project cannot be created.

Why this error? 

BCC contains the workflows and process related to existing workflows in database, which are not in sync. So workflows and process needs to deleted and new workflows needs to loaded using server start up.


Execute following scripts in versioning DB and restart BCC application. So when server starts up, it loads appropriate workflows into DB.

delete from EPUB_PR_HISTORY;
delete from EPUB_PROJECT;


delete epub_workflow_info;
delete epub_coll_workflow;
delete from EPUB_IND_WORKFLOW;

delete from EPUB_PROC_HISTORY;
delete from EPUB_PROCESS;

delete from avm_asset_lock;

Its also good check to delete servers Ids.

Super Type and Sub Type in Repository

ATG Repository supports the inheritance of Objects through concepts of super-type and sub-type. Sub-type inherits all the properties of Super-type. Super-type can have multiple sub-types.

Following example shows "Library content" can be either "Book" or "Video CD". "Library content" is Super-type and "Book" and "Video CD" are sub-types.

Object Model

<!-- Library content-->
<item-descriptor name="libraryContent" sub-type-property="type">

  <table name="libraryContent" type="primary" id-column-names="id">
    <property name="type" data-type="enumerated">
      <option value="book"/>
      <option value="videoCD"/>
    <property name="name"/>
    <property name="size"/>
    <property name="weight"/>

<!-- Book-->
<item-descriptor name="book" super-type="libraryContent" sub-type-value="book">
  <table name="book" type="auxiliary" id-column-names="id">
    <property name="pages"/>

<!-- Video CD-->
<item-descriptor name="videoCD" super-type="libraryContent" sub-type-value="videoCD">
  <table name="videoCD" type="auxiliary" id-column-names="id">
    <property name="duration"/>

1. Most of properties from super-type can be reused in sub types.
2. This saves a lot of space in DB.

Resetting admin password for dyn/admin

Resetting "admin" password for dyn/admin

Password after resetting: "admin123"

update das_account set password='c1f59dd0bb1078b65a6c7f19f312e83ef6823716da2ba864507f1bb2eb393799' where account_name='admin';


Delete the admin row and reinsert.

delete from  das_account where account_name='admin';
LASTPWDUPDATE) values ('admin',1,'Andy','Administrator',

Clean up Profiles from DB

--Delete custom Profile tables from your Profile repository(Only if you have extended Profile Repository)
delete from dps_user_prevpwd;
delete from dps_user_org;
delete from dps_user_address;
delete from dps_user_roles;
delete from dps_user_org_anc;
delete from dps_user_mailing;
delete from dps_user_scenario;
delete from dps_scenario_value;
delete from dps_user_slot;
delete from dps_usr_markers;
delete from dss_user_bpmarkers;
delete from dcs_usr_actvpromo;
delete from dcs_usr_usedpromo;
delete from dcs_user;
delete from dcs_user_wishlist;
delete from dcs_user_giftlist;
delete from dcs_user_otherlist;
delete from dcs_user_catalog;
delete from dps_usr_creditcard;
delete from dps_other_addr;
delete from dps_mailing;
delete from dps_mail_trackdata;
delete from dps_user_mailing;
delete from dps_email_address;
delete from dps_user;

Clean up Orders from DB

--Delete custom Order tables from your order repository(Only if you have extended Order Repository)
delete from dcspp_schd_errmsg;
delete from dcspp_sched_error;
delete from dcspp_scherr_aux;
delete from dbcpp_sched_clone;
delete from dbcpp_sched_order;
delete from dcspp_manual_adj;
delete from dcspp_order_adj;
delete from dcspp_det_range;
delete from dcspp_det_price;
delete from dcspp_itmprice_det;
delete from dcspp_shipitem_tax;
delete from dcspp_ntaxshipitem;
delete from dcspp_taxshipitem;
delete from dcspp_shipitem_sub;
delete from dcspp_price_adjust;
delete from dcspp_amtinfo_adj;
delete from dcspp_ship_price;
delete from dcspp_tax_price;
delete from dcspp_item_price;
delete from dcspp_order_price;
delete from dcspp_amount_info;
delete from dcspp_payorder_rel;
delete from dcspp_payship_rel;
delete from dcspp_payitem_rel;
delete from dcspp_rel_range;
delete from dcspp_shipitem_rel;
delete from dcspp_cred_status;
delete from dcspp_debit_status;
delete from dcspp_auth_status;
delete from dcspp_sc_status;
delete from dcspp_gc_status;
delete from dcspp_cc_status;
delete from dcspp_pay_status;
delete from dcspp_bill_addr;
delete from dcspp_credit_card;
delete from dcspp_store_cred;
delete from dcspp_gift_cert;
delete from dcspp_item_ci;
delete from dcspp_subsku_item;
delete from dcspp_config_item;
delete from dcspp_pay_inst;
delete from dcspp_sg_hand_inst;
delete from dcspp_gift_inst;
delete from dcspp_hand_inst;
delete from dcspp_ship_addr;
delete from dcspp_ele_ship_grp;
delete from dcspp_hrd_ship_grp;
delete from dcspp_ship_inst;
delete from dcspp_order_rel;
delete from dcspp_order_item;
delete from dcspp_order_pg;
delete from dcspp_order_sg;
delete from dcspp_order_inst;
delete from dcspp_rel_orders;
delete from dcspp_relationship;
delete from dcspp_item;
delete from dcspp_pay_group;
delete from dcspp_ship_group;
delete from dcspp_order;

Secured Repository

Secured Repositories

The Oracle ATG Web Commerce secured repository system works in conjunction with the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Security System to provide fine-grained access control to repository item descriptors, individual repository items, and individual properties through Access Control List (ACL) settings.

•    Control access to repository item descriptors: Control who can create, add, remove, and query items defined by an item descriptor; similar to controlling access to a whole database table.
•    Control access to individual repository items: Control who can read, write, destroy, and query a repository item.; similar to controlling access to a single database row.
•    Control access to properties of all repository items in a repository item descriptor: Control who can read or write a property in any repository item defined by an item descriptor; similar to controlling access to a database table column.
•    Control access to properties of an individual repository item: Control who can read or write a particular property in a repository item; similar to controlling the field of a database table row.
•    Limit query results: Control who can receive repository items that are returned by a repository query.
•    Set ownership of a repository item: At creation time, the current user is assigned as the owner of the new repository item. The owner can query a repository item and modify its ACL; otherwise this is simply an association of an identity to an Item.
•    Automatically generate ACLs for new repository items: When a repository item is created, it is assigned an ACL that is constructed out of an ACL fragment and a template for the creator/owner (creator) and each group the owner belongs to.

Creating a Secured Repository
1.    Modify the Underlying Repository:
Add properties to the repository definition as follows

<item-descriptor name=”my”……………. >
<property name="item_owner" column-names="item_owner" data-type="string"/>
<property name="item_acl" column-names="item_acl" data-type="string"/>
<property name="secured_property_acl" column-names="secured_property_acl" data-type="string"/>
</item- descriptor>

2.    Configure the Secured Repository Adapter Component:

File name:
name=My repository for the secured repository implementation
# the repository that we're wrapping
# The template file that configures the repository
# The security configuration component used by the repository
# Various Dynamo services we need

3.    Register the Secured Repository Adapter Component:


4.    Create the Secured Repository Definition File:
<!-- secured-my-repository.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE secured-repository-template
 PUBLIC "-//Art Technology Group, Inc.//DTD Dynamo Security//EN"
 <item-descriptor name="my">

   <!-- The ACL that applies to the item view/descriptor -->
   <descriptor-acl value="Admin$role$administrators-group:

   <!-- The property where the ownership is stored -->
   <owner-property name="item_owner"/>

   <!-- The property where ACL is stored in -->
   <acl-property name="item_acl"/>

   <!-- An ACL fragment that is assigned to all new items -->
   <creation-base-acl value="Admin$role$administrators-group:

   <!-- Access rights assigned to the owner when an item is created -->
   <creation-owner-acl-template value="$:read,write,list,destroy"/>

   <!-- Access rights assigned to all owner groups when an item is created. 
        WARNING: This feature can be dangerous. -->
   <creation-group-acl-template value="$:read,list"/>

   <property name="secured_property">
     <!-- The ACL that applies to this property across all repository items -->
     <descriptor-acl value="Admin$role$administrators-group:

     <!-- The name of the item property where this property's ACL is stored. -->
     <acl-property name="secured_property_acl"/>

     <!-- An ACL fragment assigned to this property when an item is created. -->
     <creation-base-acl value="Admin$role$administrators-group:read,write"/>

     <!-- Access rights assigned to the owner when an item is created -->
     <creation-owner-acl-template value="$:read,write"/>

     <!-- Access rights assigned to all owner groups when an item is created. 
          WARNING: This feature can be dangerous. -->
     <creation-group-acl-template value="$:read,write"/>


5.    Modify the SQL for the Repository Data Store:
Add following columns to table.
item_owner varchar,
item_acl varchar,
secured_property_acl varchar

6.    Rebuild your EAR.

7.    Modify the Repository Mapping in Admin/Console to map SecuredMyRepository to both MyRepository_staging and MyRepository_production.

ATG - Database connections

ATG - Database connections

The following diagram explains how ATG Apps connect to their schemas. Following scenario consider three Apps, i.e Production, Staging and Publishing (CA) Application servers.

Image is self explanatory. More detailed information will be updated sooner.

ATG - Schema connections

Note: Staging App is assumed to be Non-switching Datasource App.

In next post, will detail out how ATG's Production and CSC(Customer Service Center) will share Database schemas.

ATG 10 Sample Questions- III

What can be done to prevent inventory data deadlocks in the database?
A. UseinventoryRepository's built locking mechanism to avoid this issue.
B. No additional step needed. Transaction Manager has a dead lock listener.
C. It is controlled via theinvontoryLockEngine on the Client Lock Manager, which locks
D. Useinventory Manager's acquireinventoryLocks and releaselnventoryLocks methods.
E. Apply database optimistic locking on theinventory table.
F. Use Custom extensions to theinventory System.
Answer: D

How does the ATG's pipeline manager identify the next element in the pipeline to be executed
within a chain?
A. using datainthe Profile Marker
B. through the Pipeline registry XML data
C. using datainthe Order marker
D. via the transition taginPipeline Definition Files
E. by using the component configuration of the pipeline manager component
Answer: E

What is the primary mechanism used by ATG to record user site navigation activity on the profile?
A. a combination of a DMS event and listening scenario that can update the profile directly
B. setting property data directly on the user's profile using the <dsp:setvalue/>tag
C. Implicit. ATG monitors all activities and keeps track of all user activity.
D. There is no out of-the-box behavior for this. It must be built out by the implemented
Answer: C

What is the outcome when both the SiteScope and SiteIds properties are set on the component?
A. The site scope is set to all the sites by default.
B. The site scope is set to the current site.
C. The siteScope property is ignored.
D. The siteIds property is ignored.
Answer: C

In an ATG multisite installation, identify three strategies that ATG employs to determine request is
associated with.
A. sticky session based
B. sticky site parameter based
C. domainbased
D. path based
E. configuration File
Answer: B,C,D

Which item descriptor in the SiteRepository is used to define Site Categories?
A. siteConfiguration
B. siteTemplate
C. siteGroup
D. siteCategory
Answer: B

What should be the scope of the GiftlistSearch component?
A. GiftlistSearch should be request scoped
B. GiftlisSearch should be session-scoped because multiple pages are
typicallyinvolvedingathering and displayinginformation.
C. GiftlisSearch Search should be global scoped as it is a stateless componentinvoking
D. GiftlistSearch scope cannot be changed as It Is overridden by ATG when itinitializes and its life
cycle is timer based.
Answer: B

In a multisite environment, what is the default sharing behavior of user profiles?
A. They are shared across all the sites.
B. They are not shared and hence are separate across the sites.
C. They can be configuredinto groups that specify the sharing behavior.
D. There is no default behavior. It needs to be custom designed and implemented.
Answer: A

Identify the three ways in which Oracle LiveHelp OnDemand reduces cart abandonment, lifts
online sales revenues, and reduces services costs.
A. delivering automated personalized content
B. identifying and proactively engaging at-risk shoppers
C. providing prioritized product recommendations
D. increasing conversionrates and order values
E. deflecting service calls,increasing agent productivity, andincreasing first contact resolution
F. scenario-driven merchandising and promotions
Answer: B,D,E

Which three can be used to create valid Nucleus components?
A. any java class
B. any Java class with a public constructor
C. any JavaBean
D. a Java class implementing GenericService
E. a singleton with a private constructor and a getinstance() public method
Answer: C,D,E

If you want to access the list of the customer's active and global promotions, which pricing will you
A. PricingEngine
B. PricingTools
C. PricingModelHolder
D. PricingCalculator
Answer: C

How do you define ID as a composite key in the item descriptor of a table?
A. <table name ="doc"type ="primary"id-column-names ="folder_id, doc_id">
<property name ="ID"column-name ="folder_id, doc_id data-types ="string,int"/>
B. < table name ="doc"type ="primary"id-column-names ="folder_id, doc_id">
<property name ="ID"column-name ="folder_id"data-type ="string">
<property name ="ID"column-name ="doc_id"data-type ="int">
C. <table name ="doc"type ="primary">
<property name ="ID"column-name ="Folder_id"data-types ="int"/>
D. It is illegal to have a composite key as an ID column.
Answer: A

What does the following item-descriptor demonstrate?
<item-descriptor name = "animal">
<table name = "animals" type = "primary" id-column-name = "id">
<property name = "type" data-type = "enumerated">
<option value = "squirrel" code = "2">
<table name = "animal_address" type = "auxiliary" id-column-name = "id">
<property name = "street" data-type = "string">
<property name = "city" data-type = "string">
<property name = "state" data-type = "string">
A. Transient properties
B. Item descriptorinheritance
C. On-to-many relationship
D. One-to-one relationship
Answer: D

Examine this scenario:
* Joe adds an existing asset to a new project.
* You add the same asset to a different project
* Joe edits his working version of the asset and deploys his project.
* The assets in Joe's project are checked in and constitute a new base version of those assets.
What is the expected default behavior of the BCC?
A. You must resolve the conflict before a production deployment can be made.
B. Your project will need to be started over againas there is a version conflict.
C. You can deploy your project to production but you must resolve the conflict before you can
check your changesin.
D. The deployment will start but will not complete throwing a version mismatch exception that
needs to be resolved by the administrators.
E. Joe will not be able to use the same assetina different project.
Answer: C

Which three options are BASE form handlers that provide a clean mechanism to implement a
custom form handler?
A. EmptyFormHandler
B. GenericFormHandler
C. CartCheckoutFormHandler
D. ProfileFormHandler
E. TransactionaFormHandler
Answer: A,B,E

What is the best way to display the contents of an open parameter in a Custom Droplet?
A. Use the getParameter to get the open parameter and print it outinthe droplet.
B. Use the request.render method to render the open parameter.
C. Use the response.redirect method to redirect to the JSP fragementinthe open parameter
D. Use the request.serviceParameter method to render the open parameter.
Answer: D

What role does the Qualifier play in ATG Commerce?
A. It extends Scheduler to reload qualified global promotions.
B. It determines if any Item qualifies for the discount and which pieces should receive the
C. It qualifies the item and then applies the discount to the item.
D. It's a collection class attached to the ItemPricingEngine with a list of qualified items.
Answer: B

Which two item descriptors are subtypes of a media item?
A. Media-external
B. Media-internal
C. Media-internal-text
D. Media-image
Answer: A,C

Which statement about Importing or exporting ATG promotions is true?
A. Promotionscan be imported onlyinto the Asset Managementinstance of ATG.
B. PromotionImportExportintegrator must be used to map the ATG Commerce Promotions with
your external system.
C. The list of promotions exported is controlled by either providing the list of IDs of the promotions
to be exported OR by providing an RQL query that returns the required list.
D. You can import only PMDL version 2 (ATG 10 promotions) with the ATG Promotions
Import/Export API.
E. Import or Export Closeness Qualifiers is not supported by the ATG Promotions Import/Export
Answer: C

Your company would like to serve personalization content based on the last item viewed by the
customer. What is the highest level of scope (Global being highest) that the slot component can
A. Global
B. Session
C. Request
D. Window
Answer: B

Which repository is used to store information about converted orders?
A. /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository
B. /atg/commerce/order/abandoned/AbandonedOrderLogRepository
C. /atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository
D. Converted ordersinformation is not storedinthe repository.
Answer: B

When would you use the QueryOptions class?
A. to get database-specific hints for query optimization
B. to limit the size of the result set, direct how the result set should be sorted, and pre cache
specified properties
C. for optimization, providing values to parameterized queries, and database hints
D. No suchclass exists.
Answer: B

Identify three key features of Oracle ATG Web Commerce Platform's B2C Commerce module.
A. LiveHelp
B. Abandoned Cart
C. Recovery Purchasing Workflow Management such as support for Purchase Orders and
D. Pricing and Order engines
E. Scheduled Orders
Answer: A,C,D

What must be configured to share all gift lists across all sites?
A. set /atg/commerce/gifts/GiftlistManager.siteScope=all
B. Make GiftlistManager extend atg.multisite.ShareableSiteGroup.
C. Register GiftListManager with the ATG's SiteManager as Sharable using BCC.
D. Gift lists cannot be shared and are specific to a given site.
Answer: A

To encrypt userID cookie, what must you do?
A. Edit propertycookieHashKey of/atg/userprofiling/CookieManager.
B. Add encryptionKey on /atg/userprofiling/ProfileTools.
C. Ensure property securityStatus of user is SECURE-SIGNin.
D. Set property secured = true of component CookiePipelineServlet.
Answer: A

Which three query types are NOT supported by the SQL repository?
A. includesAll
B. elementAt
C. indexOf
D. starts with
E. ignorecase
Answer: A,B,C

Consider the following code snippet:
<dsp: param name = "first" value = "joe"/>
<dsp:droplet name "printName">
<dsp:param name = "last" value = "Bruin"/>
To get an output of "Joe Bruin", which two methods should the droplet use in the code?
A. getLocalParameter("first") and getLocalParamter("last")
B. getParameter("first") and getLocalParameter("last")
C. getLocalParameter("first") and getParameter("last")
D. getPageParameter("first") and getParameter("last")
Answer: D

What must you configure for ATG to charge the payment on the first shipment?
A. Configure settlementStepinPaymentManager.
B. This is handled OOTB. ATG always settles on last shipmentinaccordance with PCI compliance.
C. Configure SettleOnFirstShipment on OrderFulfiller.
D. Nothing, ATG assumes settlement was done when order was placed.
E. Write custom codeinHardgoodFulfiller.
Answer: C

What must you configure for ATG to charge the payment on the first shipment?
A. Configure settlementStepinPaymentManager.
B. This is handled OOTB. ATG always settles on last shipmentinaccordance with PCI compliance
C. Configure SettleOnFirstShipment on OrderFulfiller.
D. Nothing. ATG assumes settlement was done when order was placed.
E. Write custom codeinHardgoodFulfiller
Answer: C

What is the state of a newly created order?
Answer: B

The default Task for a merchandiser in ATG workflow after production deployment is complete
A. Verify Production Deployment
B. Approve Production Deployment
C. Close Project
D. RevertDeployment
E. Commit updates
Answer: B