How to delete project from Front end of BCC

Deleting project from Front End of BCC Note: This shall delete project along with project's associated process, assets, history. To delete projects from front end of BCC, perform following steps. 1. Include the following jsp in custom BCC module's war. File Name: delete-process.jsp <%@ taglib uri="/dspTaglib" prefix="dsp" %> <dsp:page><%@page import = "atg.epub.project.*" %> <%@page import = "atg.dtm.*" %>...

Understang ATG Commerce Product Catalog

Catalog Elements Catalogs- Catalog is a collection of repository items (categories, products, media, etc.) that provides the organizational framework for commerce site.Properties of Catalog:displayName: Name of catalog. It's required field.rootCategories: Root categories of catalog. Categories- Categories organize products into a hierarchy that provides a navigational framework for Websites. Categories can be parents to products or other categories.Properties...

Unable to Create project in BCC(createProjectForProcess Exception)

ATG BCC Exception Exception Details:   Logging Exception: /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager       Error executing action createProjectForProcess[] on process instance 81200003; deleting the process instance   CONTAINER:atg.process.ProcessException; SOURCE:atg.epub.project.InvalidStateException: Process status is in a state where a new project cannot be created. Why this error?  BCC...

Super Type and Sub Type in Repository

ATG Repository supports the inheritance of Objects through concepts of super-type and sub-type. Sub-type inherits all the properties of Super-type. Super-type can have multiple sub-types.Following example shows "Library content" can be either "Book" or "Video CD". "Library content" is Super-type and "Book" and "Video CD" are sub-types. Object Model <!-- Library content--><item-descriptor name="libraryContent" sub-type-property="type"> ...

Resetting admin password for dyn/admin

Resetting "admin" password for dyn/admin Password after resetting: "admin123" update das_account set password='c1f59dd0bb1078b65a6c7f19f312e83ef6823716da2ba864507f1bb2eb393799' where account_name='admin'; commit; OR Delete the admin row and reinsert. delete from  das_account where account_name='admin'; Insert into das_account (ACCOUNT_NAME,TYPE,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,PASSWORD,DESCRIPTION, LASTPWDUPDATE) values ('admin',1,'Andy','Administrator', 'c1f59dd0bb1078b65a6c7f19f312e83ef6823716da2ba864507f1bb2eb393799',null,to_date( '07-NOV-12','DD-MON-RR')); commit;...

Clean up Profiles from DB

--Delete custom Profile tables from your Profile repository(Only if you have extended Profile Repository) delete from dps_user_prevpwd; delete from dps_user_org; delete from dps_user_address; delete from dps_user_roles; delete from dps_user_org_anc; delete from dps_user_mailing; delete from dps_user_scenario; delete from dps_scenario_value; delete from dps_user_slot; delete from dps_usr_markers; delete from dss_user_bpmarkers; delete from dcs_usr_actvpromo; delete from dcs_usr_usedpromo; delete from dcs_user; delete from dcs_user_wishlist; delete...

Clean up Orders from DB

--Delete custom Order tables from your order repository(Only if you have extended Order Repository)delete from dcspp_schd_errmsg;delete from dcspp_sched_error;delete from dcspp_scherr_aux;delete from dbcpp_sched_clone;delete from dbcpp_sched_order;delete from dcspp_manual_adj;delete from dcspp_order_adj;delete from dcspp_det_range;delete from dcspp_det_price;delete from dcspp_itmprice_det;delete from dcspp_shipitem_tax;delete from dcspp_ntaxshipitem;delete from dcspp_taxshipitem;delete from dcspp_shipitem_sub;delete from dcspp_price_adjust;delete...

Secured Repository

Secured Repositories The Oracle ATG Web Commerce secured repository system works in conjunction with the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Security System to provide fine-grained access control to repository item descriptors, individual repository items, and individual properties through Access Control List (ACL) settings.Features:•    Control access to repository item descriptors: Control who can create, add, remove, and query items defined by an item descriptor; similar to controlling access to a whole database table.•   ...

ATG - Database connections

ATG - Database connections The following diagram explains how ATG Apps connect to their schemas. Following scenario consider three Apps, i.e Production, Staging and Publishing (CA) Application servers. Image is self explanatory. More detailed information will be updated sooner. ATG - Schema connections Note: Staging App is assumed to be Non-switching Datasource App. In next post, will detail out how ATG's Production and CSC(Customer...

ATG 10 Sample Questions- III

QUESTION NO: 56What can be done to prevent inventory data deadlocks in the database?A. UseinventoryRepository's built locking mechanism to avoid this issue.B. No additional step needed. Transaction Manager has a dead lock listener.C. It is controlled via theinvontoryLockEngine on the Client Lock Manager, which lockstheinventory.D. Useinventory Manager's acquireinventoryLocks and releaselnventoryLocks methods.E. Apply database optimistic locking on theinventory table.F. Use Custom extensions to theinventory System.Answer: DQUESTION NO: 57How does...