ATG 10 Sample Questions- I

Which two ASE tasks can be performed from the ACC but not the BCC?
A. creating a custom product catalog
B. creating targeters
C. creating scenarios
D. creating slots
E. creating products and SKUs
Answer: C,D

Which three reasons justify why customers should choose Oracle ATG Web Commerce as their
cross channel commerce platform?
A. It is the most complete andintegrated e-commerce solutioninthe market.
B. It has the most flexible, modular, and elegant architecture compared to other competing
C. It features production-ready reference applications that can be easily customized to meet your
application requirements.
D. It is the easiest platform to implement a compared e-commerce solutioninthe market.
E. It has the best online merchandising business tools and applications of all competing solutions.
Answer: A,B,D

What is the role of the allocateItemRelQuantity chain?
A. to mark Shipping group as shipped
B. to purchase items from pre-order, back order, or regular stock usinginventory
C. to reorganize Items across shipping groups
D. to allocate items related to the quantity on hand
Answer: B

How many current and saved orders does ATG allow a user profile to have?
A. ATG allows one current order and one saved order per user profile.
B. ATGallows one current order and a collection of saved orders per user profile.
C. ATG allows multiple current orders and a collection of saved orders per user profile.
D. Only one order can exist for a Give user profileinATG. There is no support for saved orders.
Answer: B

What is the reanimated order?
A. INCOMPLETEorders that have not been checked out by customers andinstead have remained
idle for a duration of time
B. Previously abandoned orders that have since been modified by the customerinsome way, such
as adding items or changing item quantities.
C. Previously abandoned orders that have been successfully checked out by the customer.
D. Abandoned orders that have been abandoned for so long that reanimation of the order is no
longer considered realistic.
Answer: B

You are creating a primary table and an auxiliary table for an Item descriptor in the versioned
schema. What are the properties that must be added to the tables?
A. You only need to add asset_version to both the tables.
B. You need to add asset_version to both the tables.inaddition, the primary table required seven
other columns, such as version_editable, version_deleted, etc.
C. You need to add asset_version to both the tables.inaddition, the auxiliary table requires seven
other columns, such as version_editable, version_deleted, etc.
D. You need to add asset_version and seven other columns, such as version_editable, version
deleted to both the tables.
E. You need to add asset, version to the primary table and seven columns, such
asversion_editable,version deleted, etc. to the auxiliary tables.
F. You need to add seven columns, such as version_editable, version deleted, etc. to the primary
table and only asset_version to the auxiliary table.
Answer: B

Which component should a shareable component be registered with?
A. /atg/multisite/SiteGroupManager
B. /atg/multisite/SiteConfiguration
C. /atg/multisite/SharedComponentConfiguration
D. /atg/nucleus/multisite
Answer: A

If you want to update the computedCatalogs and parentCatalog properties of a product, which
service should you use?
A. ProductUpdateService
B. CatalogGeneratorService
C. AncestorGeneratorService
D. ComputedCatalogService
Answer: C

Identify the problem with the following targeter rule set:
<rule op=eq name= "Guitar News">
<valueof target = "newsType">
<valueof constant = "guitar">
<rule op = includes name = "Guitar players">
<valueof bean = "Profile.preferredcategory">
<valueof constant = "guitars">
<rule op = eq name = "Bass News">
<valueof constant = "bass">
<rule op=includes name= "Bass players">
<valueof bean = "profile.preferencedCategory">
<valueof constant = "bass">
A. All rule sets need a"reject rule".
B. All rule sets need a sorting directive.
C. Rules cannot containtwo accept directives.
D. A rule set cannot reference repository items.
Answer: C

What do you need to do to disable ATG's Out-of-the-Box behavior of persisting order change?
A. Set /atg/commerce/order/OrderTools.persistOrders = false
B. Set/atg/commerce/order/OrderManager.persistOrders=false
C. Set /atg/commerce/ShoppingCart.persistOrders = false
D. ATG does not allow you to modify this behavior.
Answer: C

Assume that a versioned repository item in your application is not changed on the store serves hut
is only changed on the CA Server and published to the store server.
Which caching mechanism should you choose for it on the store server?
A. any of the CA-aware caching modes such as locked, distributed, or hybrid
B. Locked Caching
C. Immutable Item Caching
D. Simple Caching
E. No caching is necessary. Database will cache the Items as they do not change on the server.
Answer: A

Identify the significance of using cascade="insert" from the snippet below:
<item-descriptive name= "user">
<property name= "favoriteArticles" data-type = "list" component-list-item-type = "articles" cascade
= "insert">
A. An item of type articles is created once a new user is created.
B. If a user is deleted, all itemsinarticles of that user are deleted.
C. insert is ignored for properties that use the attribute component item-type.
D. An article named favoriteArticles is created.
Answer: C

What would be the Ground and Expedited shipping prices for an order of a single item with a price
of 15.99 and having a weight of 42 with this configuration (assume no active shipping
PreCalculators =\
ranges =\
ranges =\
A. Ground: 4.50, Expedited: 10.00
B. Ground: 10.00, Expedited: 10.00
C. Ground: 4.99, Expedited: 4.99
D. Ground: 9.49, Expedited: 14.99
Answer: D

How is the result set cached when a query returns repository items whose item descriptors enable
both item caching and query caching?
A. The query cache stores the repository IDsindexed by the given query and the item cache holds
the corresponding repository itemsindexed by the repository IDs.
B. The query cache stores both the repository IDs and the- repository items. The item cache is
C. The item cache stores the both the repository IDs and the repository items. The query cache is
D. Item descriptors can enable either the item cache or the query cache but not both.
Answer: A

Which of the following two outcomes are achieved by the following snippet of code?
<dsp:importbean bean= "/Project/ShippingConf"/>
A. Imports shipping Confinto page Context so you can exclude the full path and use the
ShippingConf as short hand
B. Imports Shipping Confinto page Context so you can exclude the full path and use the shipConf
as short hand
C. Makes the Shipping Conf available to the EL through the name ShippingConf
D. Imports the ShippingConf to the page and is required to or reference it on the page
E. Allows access to the DSP element through JavaScript or AJAX library
Answer: C

What is the resulting outcome when the statements below are executed without a transaction?
repositoryItem.setPropertyValue("name", "John");
repositoryItem.setPropertyValue("lastName", "Doe")
A. For each setProperty value, ATG begins a JTA transaction, calls setPropertyValue, and
commits the JTA transaction. At this point, SQL is issued and the changes are committed.
B. Before the 1st setPropertyValue is executed, a JTA transaction begins. After the 2nd
setProperty Value is called, ATG commits the JTA transaction. At this point, SQL is issued and the
changes are committed.
C. ATG throws an error as multiple setPropertyValue have to be executed withina transaction.
D. Before the 1st setPropertyValue is executed, a JTA transaction begins. The SQL is issued
when you call updateItem.
E. All setPropertyValue method calls must be wrappedina JTA Transaction.
Answer: A

Your site supports configurable commerce Items and you want to enable price list based pricing.
How would you configure the /atg/commerce/pricing/ItemPricingEngine?
A. preCalculators=\
B. preCalculators=\
C. preCalculators=\
D. preCalculators=\
Answer: B

The design of the OrderFulfiller and the HardgoodFulfiller uses the ClientLockManager
A. Prevent one component fromprocessingmessages for two different orders at the same time.
B. Send messages out to all components that the order is being modified. Components then
appropriate actions
C. helpincaching the order for better performance
D. lock the order so the client cannot modify his or her order after it is submitted
Answer: A

Identify three features of Oracle ATG Adaptive Scenario Engine that drive personalized customer
A. rule based content targetingincluding personalized recommendations, offers,information sells,
up sells, promotions
B. management andprocessingof purchase orders and requisitions
C. contentindexing and management/administration of search facets
D. business rule driven scenarios for delivering dynamic web pages
E. time- and event based multistage scenarios
Answer: A,D,E

In order to ensure versioning integrity, a deploying project obtains exclusive locks on its assets
when deployment starts. What is the effect of these locks?
A. Until a project's asset looks are released, other projects that share those assets cannot add the
asset to the project.
B. Until a project's asset locks are released, other projects that share those assets cannot
heinauthor mode and are shown as lockedinthe BCC UI.
C. Until a project's asset locks are released, other projects that share those Assets cannot deploy.
D. It is a database lock and has no effect on the UI. Other projects will net a concurrent update
exception it a database save is issued for the shared assets.
Answer: C

Which two DSP Tags can specify a tag converter?
A. dsp:valueof
B. dsp:printvalue
C. dsp:include
D. dsp:input
Answer: A,D

What does the childProducts property of an Item category contain?
A. a union of fixedChildProducts and computedChildProducts of the category
B. a union of fixedChildProducts and dynamicChildProducts of the category
C. a union of fixedChildProducts and dynamicChildProducts of the category with possible
duplicate products
D. a union of fixedChildProducts and computedChildProducts of the category with possible
duplicate products
Answer: D

What is the result if addItem on the repository is never called after createItem call?
A. The item is not persistedindatabase.
B. It is saved automatically when transaction commits.
C. The item is saved when the server shuts down.
D. It is illegal and an exception is thrown.
Answer: A

In which component are the stages of the shopping process in ATG Commerce defined?
A. /atg/commerce/states/ShoppingProcesStates via property Name stageNames
B. /atg/commerce/order/OrderTools via property Name stageNames
C. /atg/commerce/bp/ShoppingProcessConfiguration via property Name stageNames
D. /atg/commerce/bp/ShoppingOrderConfiguration via property Name stageNames
E. /atg/commerce/order/ScheduledOrderTools via property Name stageNames
Answer: B C

Which three methods are defined by the ItemPricingCalculator interface?
A. getPrice
B. priceEachItem
C. priceItem
D. priceOrder
E. priceSku
F. priceItems
Answer: B,C,F

ATG 10 Certification

ATG 10 Certification

Completed my Oracle ATG Web Commerce 10 Implementation Developer Essentials. It was good test. It was more of ATG 10 basic fundamentals. 

Following guides should be read for the ATG Certification.
1. ATGBCCGuide
2. ATGCommProgGuide (Must)
3. ATGContentAdminProgGuide
4. ATGMultisiteAdminGuide (Must)
5. ATGPageDevGuide
6. ATGPlatformProgGuide (Must)
7. ATGRepositoryGuide (Must)

There were 80+5 questions. And 5 were not counted for scoring. More questions were from Repository concepts, Multisite, BCC and few Commerce related.  

I am posting few of sample questions in next posts, which must be read before taking certification. 

Sample Questions 1-25 

Sample Questions 26-55 

Sample Questions 56-86 

What's new in ATG 10.1

What's new in ATG 10.1

1. New Features in 10.1
  •     External Caching – Oracle Coherence Integration
  •     Localization of Business Tools - nine (9) languages
  •     Support for International URLs
  •     Improvements to the REST framework to make it easier to use
  •     Support for HTML 5 Tags
2. Commerce
  •     B2B & B2C Commerce Merge
  •     Coupon Tracking
  •     Serialized Coupon Codes
3. Merchandising
    a. Catalog Management
  •         Introduces the Layout View
  •         Preview a site as it will look at a future date and time
  •         Introduces multi edit in the Flex UI using Workbench
  •         Collection Editor - Drag & Drop, Clear All, Move to Top
    b. Promotions
  •         Define rules that determine which promotions can be applied together or “stacked” in an order.
  •         Create batches of coupons that have usage limits and randomly generated coupon codes
  •         Export the batch as a CSV or XLS file
  •         Use spend in a category or group to qualify an order for a promotion
        Templates added:
  •         Spend Y in X Get Item Discount
  •         Spend Y in X Get Order Discount
  •         Spend Y in X Get Shipping Discount
  •         Spend Y in X Get GWP
  •         Get Gift w/Purchase
  •         Buy Item X Get GWP
  •         Spend Y Get GWP
  •         Spend Y in X Get GWP
4.  Site Administration
    a. Allows the duplication of an existing site in Site Administration
    b. The Site Administration UI supports non-Latin international URLs

5. CA
  •     Direct SQL- Bypass the Repository API and configure CA to use SQL statements for full deployments
  •     Cache Warming- Automatically reload repository items into the cache that are invalidated by a CA deployment
  •     Staggered Cache Invalidation- Invalidate caches on each instance at different times
6. Commerce Service Center
  •     CSC UI framework moved from repository to single XML file
  •     Uses XML-combine to determine final UI
  •     Separate the CSC UI from the backend code
  •     Decouple the UI and backend logic to enable migration of customizations
  •     Newly redesigned and streamlined Global Context Area
  •     Eliminate need to index full order or profile repository by allowing index to be broken into smaller, manageable pieces
  •     Lookup exact order number via order # (ID)
7. Commerce Reference Store
  •     Integration with ATG Recommendations
  •     Recently Viewed Items
  •     Gift with Purchase Promotion
  •     Sort by Price
  •     Fluoroscope Support
8. ATG Mobile Solutions
  •     Provide mobile-optimized version of the Commerce Reference Store (CRS)
  •     Serve as a framework to help developers build mobile sites/apps more quickly
  •     Search Catalog
  •     Personalization
  •     Mobile-specific Promotions
  •     Efficient checkout flow
  •     Shopper account management
  •     Best practices layout and design optimized for mobile form factor
9. ATG Search
  •     Indexing Performance Improvements
  •     Improved B2B support
  •     Prevent Indexing During CA Deployments
  •     Force Full Index with Multi-site Changes

10. Documentation

11. Third-Party Software
  •     Application Servers- WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.5, 10.3.6), WebSphere, jBoss 5.1.0 EAP
  •     Databases- Oracle Exadata X2-2, 10gR2, 11gR2, DB2 9.7.3, MSSQL 2008R2
  •     OS- Oracle Linux 5.5, 5.6, 6.0, Solaris 10,11, AIX 6.1, RH 5.5, 5.6 Advanced Platform, Windows 2003 R2 Standard, Enterprise, 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise

ATG 10.1 BCC Localization

ATG 10.1 BCC Localization

ATG 10.1 BCC comes up with following 9 supporting languages.

  • Spanish (International Sort)
  • French (France)
  • German (Germany)
  • Italian (Italy)
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Swedish
  • Japanese
To view BCC in different languages, Create a user and assign locale to user.
1. Login to BCC, and open "Internal Users" under "Personalization".

2. Click on "+" to add new user.

3. Fill minimal following information under each tabs.

General: Login name, Password, Locale

Under Locale, provide the language that you prefer to use.

 Orgs & Roles : Assign "100001-member", "EPub-Admin" and "EPub-Super-Admin" to make new user as Admin.
Create user.

4. Log out and Login using newly created user.

Below example is of user with Spanish (Spain) as locale.

Spanish Home Page

Merchandising HomePage

Additional Info: ATG 10.0.3 supports following languages.

  • English (United States) (en_US)
  • French (France) (fr_FR)
  • Japanese (Japan) (ja_JP)
  • German (Germany) (de_DE)